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    The signs of cells’ hypoxia

    Do you yawn too often, and want to sleep constantly? Do you feel like there is no air, or feel dizziness? Or, perhaps, you have noticed that your skin became flabby and pale, lost elasticity, and you can see wrinkles? Any of these can be a sign of hypoxia – the lack of oxygen.   28.04.2017 / Biotredin

    How to survive to the vacation?

    Sometimes, a few days before the holidays the work becomes unbearable. Time stretches like rubber, and you can’t stand it anymore, and it all comes with a huge number of unfinished tasks.   28.04.2017 / Biotredin
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    How to gain the ability to concentrate?

    We all have periods when we need a high mental concentration. In the first place it’s a crunch time at work, when you must to solve, analyze, estimate thousands of problems at the same time. In those days, our brain works so hard, as a fighter in the ring, so it needs a “high feeding” and enough oxygen.   28.04.2017 / Biotredin

    How to cope with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?

    Is your child very active and irritable? Maybe, it’s hard for him to focus on something; he often behaves aggressively, gets tired quickly, and cannot sit quietly? In some way, this is common to all children, but if it’s a permanent situation, this can be attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).   28.04.2017 / Biotredin
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    Exams without stress

    Spring for many people means pre-exam stress. Even ordinary end‑of‑term tests can cause an inner anxiety and insomnia in students and their parents. Final or entrance exams are even more disturbing.   27.04.2017 / Glycine

    Once again about Glycine!

    Stress? How to prevent its harmful effects? In modern life it’s very important thing. It is no coincidence that we have been asked for many times to tell more about the properties and the usage of Glycine – a drug which is known as a remedy for stress.   27.04.2017 / Glycine
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    Glycine against a stroke

    Any psycho-emotional stress activates the release of active substances in the organism. For example, catecholamine, attacking the cells and connecting with specific receptors, becomes a source of high blood pressure – one of the main factors of a stroke. Glycine is able to more or less neutralize this factor.   27.04.2017 / Glycine

    The remedy for stress

    Stress... “Everyone feels it, everyone is talking about it, but almost no one takes the trouble to find out what it is” – these are the words of Hans Selye, which were written about the stress more than half a century ago.   27.04.2017 / Glycine
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    Eltacin: an invaluable help in stress

    Any psycho-emotional stress leads to the development and progression of cardiovascular diseases. In stress, the heart works at the breaking point for providing the cells with oxygen and nutrients.   16.03.2017 / Eltacin